Field Theory Georgia Tech PHYS-7147 spring 2005 Tue, Thu 12:05-13:25 Howey S107 Homework Assignment #11 ----------------------- due Thu, Apr 21 Schwinger correction, Electron Magnetic Moment ---------------------------------------------- Reading: A. Zee: "Electron Magnetic Moment", excerpt on (click on Field Theory link) Exercises: 1. evaluate gamma^\mu a gamma_\mu gamma^\mu a b gamma_\mu gamma^\mu a b c gamma_\mu where a, b, c are "slash" products of 4-vectors a, b, c dotted with gamma matrices 2. go step-by-step through the Zee derivation of the \alpha/2\pi correction Eq. (16) Bonus points: 3. derive Zee Eq. (10) on p. 180 4. evaluate the 4-momentum integral leading to Zee Eq. (10) on p. 180 -------------------------------------------------------